All Women's Profiles
Anna, 8407, 41, single, From Konstanz, Germany, she works as manager at a pharmaceutical company, Speak good English, good German
Lilya, 8381, 46, divorced, From Zaporozhye, she works as manager, beauty master, Speak good English
Inna, 8367, 49, divorced, From Eschwege, Germany, she works as teacher, Speak English, German, Russian
Nina, 8366, 47, divorced, From Paris, France, she works as financial economist, Speak basic English, good French
Alla, 8359, 41, divorced, From Vinnitsa, she works as deputy head of the agricultural company, Speak German, Russian
Alina, 8311, 38, divorced, From Warsaw, she works as teacher, Speak English
Victoria, 8303, 29, single, From Hoofddorp, she works as French teacher, Speak English, French, basic Spanish and Chinese
Marina, 8291, 45, divorced, From Zaporozhie, she works as sales manager, Speak basic English
Olga, 8284, 39, single, From Krakow, she works as finance specialist , Speak good English, Polish, basic French
Snezhana, 8282, 52, divorced, From Zaporozhie, she works as director, Speak basic English
Irina, 8277, 42, divorced, From Germany, Greifswald, she works as interpreter, Speak good English, basic English
Natalia, 8275, 61, divorced, From Zaporozhie, she works as hair dresser, Speak basic English
Lyubov, 8269, 37, divorced, From Zaporizhzhia / now in Germany, she works as accounting manager, Speak basic English
Yana, 8265, 31, divorced, From Zaporozhie, she works as economist, Speak basic English
Victoria, 8259, 34, divorced, From Switzerland, she works as trust officer, Speak good English
Ekaterina, 8258, 39, single, From Mexico, she works as accountant, Speak basic English, Spanish
Tatiana, 8234, 47, single, From Zaporozhie, she works as wedding planner, Speak basic English
Julia, 8227, 49, single, From Italy, she works as economist, Speak some English
Nadezhda, 8224, 40, divorced, From Denmark, she works as administrator, Speak basic English
Natalia, 8222, 46, single, From Germany, she works as manager, Speak basic English
Natalia, 8219, 40, single, From Italy, Roma, she works as psychologist, Speak good English, basic Italian
Christina, 8629, 29, divorced, From Gda?sk, Poland, she works as manager, Speak good English, good Polish, good Hebrew
Alyona, 8631, 41, divorced, From Kyiv, she works as not working at the moment, Speak basic English
Tatiana, 8632, 41, divorced, From Hannover, Germany, she works as worked as a manager in Ukraine, now not working, Speak basic German, basic Polish, Russian
Lina, 8211, 39, divorced, From Zaporozhie, she works as accountant, Speak good English
Inna, 8203, 43, single, From Vinnytsia, she works as manager, Speak basic English, good German
Lilia, 8193, 51, divorced, From Germany, Bavaria, she works as travel agent, Speak basic English
Yulia, 8192, 46, divorced, From Odessa, she works as pharmacist, cosmetologist., Speak English with interpreter
Natalia, 8189, 41, divorced, From Bursa, Turkey, she works as stylist, Speak good English, Turkish, basic Spanish
Ekaterina, 8185, 36, single, From Poland, she works as economist, Speak basic English
Natalia, 8169, 44, divorced, From Greece, she works as nail school instructor, Speak Polish, English basic
Olga, 8158, 33, divorced, From Zaporozhye, she works as hair dresser, Speak basic English
Oksana, 8140, 39, divorced, From Vinnytsia / now in Poland, Częstochowa, she works as accountant, Speak basic English
Irina, 8125, 54, divorced, From Vinnitsa, she works as florist designer, Speak basic English, some French, good Polish
Natalia, 8115, 46, divorced, From Vinnytsia / now in Germany, Frankfurt, she works as doctor, Speak good English
Yaroslava, 8112, 37, divorced, From Kiyv / now in Germany, Mannheim, she works as teacher, Speak basic English
Julia, 8105, 47, divorced, From Chernihiv / now in Sweden, she works as teacher, Speak "good English; basic German , French"
Mila, 8180, 45, divorced, From Holland, she works as fitness coach, Speak basic English
Ulyana, 8090, 41, divorced, From Kiev, she works as between jobs, Speak English with interpreter
Katerina, 8083, 40, single, From Zaporizhzhia / now in USA, she works as real estate manager, Speak good English
Alina, 8075, 37, single, From Vinnitsa, she works as manager, Speak good English
Angelika, 8070, 37, single, From Vinnytsia / now in Switzerland, she works as personal coach, Speak fluent English, good German, Spanish
Anna, 8056, 39, divorced, From Donetsk, she works as secretary, Speak English with interpreter
Yulia, 8041, 42, divorced, From Kyiv / now in Sweden, she works as rehabilitologist, Speak basic English
Yana, 8039, 52, divorced, From Chernivtsi / now in Germany, she works as accountant, Speak good German, Polish
Anastasia, 8035, 33, divorced , From Dnipro, she works as bar woman, Speak fluent English
Irina, 8033, 42, divorced , From Borispol, she works as airport security department, Speak basic English
Olga, 8027, 47, divorced , From Switzerland, she works as teacher, Speak good English, German
Ina, 8020, 41, single, From Norway, she works as accountant, Speak good English, Norwegian, Romanian
Uliana, 8014, 33, single, From Dnipro, she works as make up artist, Speak basic English
Khrystyna, 8009, 27, single, From Lviv, she works as hairdresser, Speak English with interpreter
Olga, 7966, 27, single, From Vinnitsa, she works as between jobs, Speak good English
Mariana, 7963, 41, divorced, From Poltava, she works as manager, Speak English with interpreter
Natalia, 7962, 46, divorced, From Kiev, she works as doctor, Speak good English
Anna, 7952, 34, divorced, From Odessa, she works as between jobs, Speak English with interpreter
Valentina, 7947, 34, single, From Poltava / now in Switzerland, she works as teacher, Speak fluent English
Anastasia, 7939, 36, single, From Kyiv / now in Luxemburg, she works as between jobs, Speak basic English
Anna, 8370, 36, divorced, From Lerici, Italy, she works as seller, Speak basic English, basic Italian
Yulia, 7927, 39, divorced, From Kiev, she works as marketer, Speak "fluent English, Hebrew; French with interpreter"
Nadezhda, 7925, 30, single, From Nizhyn, she works as writer, Speak good English
Victoria, 7916, 23, single, From Ananiev, she works as student, Speak English with interpreter
Olga, 8371, 39, single, From Eschwege, Germany, she works as tattoo master, Speak English, German, Russian
Svetlana, 8640, 32, single, From Khust, she works as interior/restaurant designer, Speak good English
Anastasia, 7910, 28, single, From Vinnytsia / Switzerland / Germany, she works as florist, Speak English with interpreter
Diana, 7901, 40, single, From Kherson / now in Germany, Hannover, she works as freelance, Speak basic English
Alina, 7897, 35, divorced, From Vinnitsa, she works as between jobs, Speak good English
Karina, 7895, 23, single, From Kherson, she works as student, Speak English with interpreter
Olga, 7867, 38, divorced, From Vinnitsa, she works as manager, Speak basic English
Olga, 7858, 44, divorced, From Khmelnitsky, she works as self employed, Speak basic English, basic Polish
Alena, 7836, 34, single, From Kharkiv, she works as cosmetologist, Speak good English
Tatiana, 7833, 46, divorced, From Kiev, she works as personal gym trainer, Speak good English
Natalia, 7824, 40, divorced, From Florence, Italy, she works as customer care, Speak "fluent English, Italian; good German"
Valentina, 7821, 49, divorced, From Vinnitsa, she works as hair dresser, Speak basic English
Anna, 7814, 35, divorced, From Kiev, she works as master of manicure and pedicure, Speak basic English
Tatiana, 7804, 36, single, From Kiev, she works as designer, Speak English with interpreter
Oksana, 7797, 41, single, From Moscow, Russia, she works as manager, Speak fluent English, basic French
Alena, 7825, 38, divorced, From Rezh, Russia, she works as travel agency manager, Speak basic English
Olga, 7787, 39, divorced, From Cheboksary, Russia, she works as private entrepreneur , Speak good English
Svetlana, 7785, 43, widow, From Moscow, Russia, she works as housewife, Speak good English
Anna, 7784, 34, divorced, From Poltava, she works as manager, Speak basic English
Ludmila, 7750, 43, divorced, From Vinnitsa, she works as sales manager, Speak basic English
Maria, 7741, 34, single, From Kiev, she works as seller, Speak good English
Natalia, 7723, 25, single, From Kiev, she works as hairdresser, Speak English with interpreter
Irina, 7722, 33, divorced, From Terebovlya, she works as between jobs, Speak good Italian, English with interpreter
Tatiana, 7709, 30, single, From Kiev, she works as between jobs, Speak good English
Larisa, 7705, 40, divorced, From Kharkiv, she works as phylology, Speak basic English
Victoria, 7701, 31, divorced, From Lyubashevka, she works as electric, Speak English with interpret
Elena, 7696, 36, divorced, From Dnipropetrovsk, she works as economist, Speak good English
Anna, 7655, 35, divorced, From Kiev, she works as Choreographer, Speak English
Natalia, 7646, 43, single, From Kyiv / now in Germany, she works as director, Speak English
Marina, 7639, 46, single, From Kyiv / now in Canada, she works as teacher, Speak fluent English
Elena, 7638, 40, divorced, From Vinnitsa, she works as journalist, Speak English, German, French
Ekaterina, 7632, 28, single, From Dmitrovka, she works as cook, Speak basic English
Kristina, 7613, 36, divorced, From Kyiv / now in France, she works as unemployed, Speak English with interpreter
Irina, 7600, 54, divorced, From Poltava, she works as economist, Speak basic English
Olga, 7596, 43, single, From Vinnitsa, she works as investments, Speak basic English
Alexandra, 7591, 29, divorced, From Sumy, she works as Housewife, Speak English with interpreter
Evgenia, 7565, 52, divorced, From Poltava, she works as bank manager, Speak good English, good Spanish
Narine, 7552, 34, divorced, From Melitopol, she works as unemployed, Speak fluent Armenian
Vera, 7536, 39, single, From Yagotin, she works as lawyer, Speak good English
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