InterDating Club
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5833 Elena
Birthdate:31 May, 1961
Children:daughter, 1990
Language:basic English

A man of my dream should be first of all a good friend. He is wise and takes care of me. He should wonder me and be easy-going. He is kind and loves his family. He should create good atmospehere in his family. A man of my dreams takes care of his health and has no bad habits. He likes travelling, good cuisine, music, theater, art. A man, who is able to hold my hand with a confidence in a tomorrow's day. Man of my dreams should love me, he should value and respect me and I will give him all he needs, I'll be his muse. As for me, I'm creative and love my life, try to be positive every moment. I love to create new ideas and realize them. My daughter is a designer and I try to help her in business. My dream is to find my man, to love him and to be loved by him. I love to create home atmospere, to cook and to take care of my lovely people. I love to spend my free time in nature and to do sport outside (I have a lake and a wood near my home). Love animals very much. I'm a responsible and sencere person. Love watching movies and reading books. I love holidays very much, because it's the best moment you can share with your relatives and friends. But I think, you should have holidays in mood, in your heart first of all, not on your calendar.

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