InterDating Club
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6802 Lyubov
Birthdate:27 March, 1989
Language:good English
My lifestyle is dreamy, I am a dissident person without herd instinct, always having my own point of view on this or that situation. I hold the answer for words, thoughts and deeds and surround myself only with similar people. I like to live this life boldly, tastyly, brightly, in all colors of the rainbow, to the benefit of others and not to my detriment. I love Mother Nature and every living creature. I am fond of needlework, cooking, photography, biographies of great people, the psychology of gender relations. I write poetry, I like to sing and dance. It is important for me to live feeling the rhythm of this life as much as possible and with all the colors of the rainbow, only the eighth color is missing - white. The man of my dreams is a reliable friend and my strong defense, he knows and understands how important it is to me that he protects me.
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