InterDating Club
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7186 Tatiana
Birthdate:11 August, 1980
Children:son 2004, son 2007
Employment:chemical engineer
Language:good English

I think that I`ve found a recipe how to give happiness and inspiration to people I love and who loves me! no charms, no potions, no secrets - being myself and trust in better, thats all. I am always in harmony with the world around me. I am a social and caring person who will never betray anyone or let anyone down. I am romantic, tender, caring woman with strong family values. I spend my leisure in different ways. I like sport, jogging, healthy lifestyle. I am a very good in cooking and baking, it gives me a big pleasure to cook for somebody special. Also I am painting when I have inspiration. When I have free time I like reading, listening to classical and modern music. I love watching ballroom and latin dances. I have always appreciated reliability, loyalty, honesty, self-confidence, the ability to express your feelings. I need a mature man, honest and loving partner.

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